Dron Attack!
ImpaktesVisuals (Sabadell) / Der Kegel Gallery (Berlín) / West Bank Gallery (London)
December 2013 / February 2014 / July 2014

In the works that make up this collection Werens strikes again with a hybridisation between desperately alive elements, which sprout from the cracks of urban concrete and inert mechanical equipment, which is so familiar in our city with such a long industrial tradition.
Like a swarm of alienated and robotic bees, product of an ailing human mind, Werens’ drones hover above the city tirelessly, in search of offenders to register and report. In one more example of the bizarre civilization which we have lost all control of, this army of bee-drones becomes a tool, which is however very effective in the hands of the power system that controls us from its sizeable bunker. This time Werens has chosen his executioner to be the luminary in his work, as if he jumps ahead to urban citizens’ most immediate future with this artistic expression of his own experience – a dark and murky tomorrow that he predicted long ago. Fortunately, the vegetation that strongly continues to gain prominence in his paintings shows that nature has not so far inescapably lost the battle.