Kill your TV
Galery Satan (St. Pere de Riudebilles) / Casa Turull (Sabadell)
May / April 2015

Screens: An addictive device that maintains the tenuous low classes; carry on with violence and the materialism; and a silent destroyer of intellectualism.

Spectators Television or other screens:
Boys of 2-5 average of 25 hours by the week in front of a screen.
Boys of 6-11 more average of 22 hours by the week in front of a screen.
Boys of 12 at 17 average of 23 hours by the week in front of a screen.
For the moment most of the adults of 18 years of age, have passed more time in front of a screen of the that have passed at the school, and much more of the that have passed to talk with his teachers, his friends and even his parents…